Hi friend! I hope you’ve been having a wonderful month of May! This week has been crazy hectic for me. I was working at the first ever Saskatchewan Living Green Expo and I did a talk on Fighting Inflammation with Whole Foods. My furniture and kitchen things finally came from Kelowna on Monday so I’ve been busy unpacking and setting up my office between my volunteer shift at Steep Hill Food Co-op, working the Cameco Health and Wellness Fair, and making sure I get my buns to the studio every day for practice. Lo and behold I feel a tiny sensation of snuffliness in my sinuses so I think it’s time to bring out the big guns and pump myself full of green juice and smoothies.
I think the main reason I’m not knocked out with a major cold is because a couple weeks ago I decided that with summer just around the corner I wanted to do a bit of a detox. In addition to eliminating added sugar, dairy, legumes, and grains from my diet, I’ve been adding in a daily green juice to give me a hit of easily absorbable nutrients and support my liver.
The lemon juice contains enzymes that help support our livers’ detoxification processes and promote healthy digestion, while the parsley and/or cilantro are great heavy metal chelators. All the green veggies provide a punch of chlorophyll, which is chock-full of magnesium and helps support our natural detoxification processes.
I like to drink my juice either first thing in the morning or 30 minutes before a meal. However, if you have blood sugar balance issues, I would recommend drinking your juice with a protein rich meal just to be on the safe side. You may not absorb your nutrients as quickly, but you’ll be preventing insulin spikes and crashes and all the nastiness that comes along with them.
Glowing Goddess Green Juice Recipe
- 1 bunch parsley or cilantro
- 2 celery stalks
- 4 kale leaves or 4 cups spinach
- ½ an apple
- ½ an orange
- ½ a lemon
- 1 cucumber
1. Cut up and juice all ingredients.
2. Serve chilled over ice for a liver loving delight!
Well that’s my delicious, healing recipe for this week friend. I hope you enjoy it If you’re looking to get glowing from the inside out, then make sure you download my FREE Sensational Smoothies E-Book by clicking here. It’s jam-packed with skin nourishing recipes to help build beautiful skin, strong nails, and gorgeous hair. Have a wonderful day xo
Cait xo