Oh hey friend! I hope you’re having a splendid week. It’s been ridiculously warm here in Sask and I’ve been feeling a little drier than normal, so I’ve been whipping up this little juice to help keep me cool and hydrated. As you get warmer and start sweating more you lose important minerals that catalyze a lot of really important functions in your body so it’s very important that you keep replenishing them regularly.
Luckily, Mother Nature has got you covered! She’s created lots of bountiful produce just chock full of important minerals such as magnesium, potassium, manganese, phosphorous, & silica. And those are just the minerals in the humble little cucumbie! Sweet celery and lemon don’t want to be left out of the party though as they both supply heft doses of the above minerals plus molybdenum (celery) and selenium, sodium, & zinc (lemon). Plus, any whole food is going to give you a sweet boost of antioxidants and vitamins so this juice is a really powerful way to hydrate this summer. Try adding a little sparkling water for a fizzy mocktail. 🙂
This recipe uses fresh cucumbers, lemons, celery, mint, ginger, & apple to create a sweet, tangy, & refreshing juice recipe to keep you hydrated all summer long.
- 1 large cucumber
- 5 celery stalks
- 1 apple
- 1 lemon, peeled
- 1 handful fresh mint
- 1/2 inch ginger
- 2 cups chopped spinach or kale
Cut veggies and fruits into 1 inch pieces.
Run through juicer. Feel free to strain the pulp with a nut milk bag.
Pour over ice & enjoy!
Well that’s the super duper electrolyte rebalancing, skin nourishing juice for this week. I hope you enjoy it. And I just published a great little guide with my Top Ten Tips to Banish Belly Bloat, which you can download right here if you need a little extra digestive support!
As always, thank you for your love and support. Please stay safe and take care of one another!
Cait xo