by Caitlin | Jun 9, 2014 | Dear Cait, Healthy Kitchen Guides, Healthy Living Guides
Hi friends! I know it can be quite overwhelming figuring out where to start on this whole healthy living journey. I previously wrote a post where I shared what you can find in my pantry, but I thought I’d do up a quick and easy little primer for some of the most...
by Caitlin | May 29, 2014 | Dear Cait, Healthy Living Guides, Time-Saving Kitchen Guides
Hi friend! I hope you enjoyed part one of my timesaving kitchen tips and tricks. Today I’m going to explore the magical world of Bad Ass Batch Cooking. Dedicating an evening or an afternoon to preparing meals and snacks for the week is an amazing way to save you...
by Caitlin | May 22, 2014 | Dear Cait, Healthy Living Guides, Time-Saving Kitchen Guides
Hi friends! I hope you’ve ad a smashing week. Mine has been pretty great thus far. I catered an Acro Yoga retreat over the weekend so spent the night camping out in tipis, hiking some beautiful trails, eating delicious food, playing with some therapeutic acro, and...
by Caitlin | Apr 10, 2014 | Dear Cait, Healthy Living Guides, Probiotics Guides
Hello friends! So I’m finally going to get to Part 3 of my sweet probiotics posts. I know I’m not the greatest at doing them in order, but that’s because I just get so excited by so many other things. I am working on my focus, but at least they all eventually get...
by Caitlin | Apr 2, 2014 | Dear Cait, Healthy Habits Guides, Healthy Living Guides
Hello friends! I hope you’ve been having a great week so far. Mine has been pretty hectic so far, but definitely enjoyable! Today I want answer a question that addresses an issue that I don’t think gets enough attention when us holistic wellness types get going about...
by Caitlin | Mar 18, 2014 | Dear Cait, Healthy Living Guides, Probiotics Guides
Hello friends! A couple of weeks ago I wrote a post answering a reader question about probiotics: what they are, why they’re important, and where you can find them in your diet. You can read it here. Today we’re going to get a little more technical by looking at some...