Warrior Women’s Wellness Retreat Recap
Hello friend! If you've been around my site for the last couple of months you'll know that I recently hosted a Warrior Women's Wellness Weekend Retreat with my friend and colleague, Jenn Johannson at Ancient Spirals Retreat Centre just outside of Saskatoon. To say...

Re-Treat Yourself Recap
Hi friends! Thank you all for being so patient with me over the last couple of weeks. I know I haven’t been posting much because my grandfather passed away at the end of June and so the last little while has been filled with a lot of back and forth traveling across...

2014 in Review or The Year I Became a Nomad
Hi friend! I hope you’ve had a stellar week! I got up to Big White for my first day of the season and it was epic. I managed to have my first super solid wipeout of the year, so I’m feeling the burn a bit today (you should see the epic bruise on my knee. Yikes!)....

Confessions from a Yoga Teacher Training
Sometimes in your life there are events that shake you up and change you in such a profound way that they cannot be described. I’ve long believed that words and stories have the power to be medicine or poison. In fact I have written two theses about the power of...
Stop Making Excuses and Start Creating!
Part of my dream includes living on a lake at the foot of some beautiful mountains. Not necessarily in Switzerland where this was taken, but who knows! ;)Hi friends! I hope you’ve all been having a splendid day. I’m finally back home after a whirlwind few weeks...
My Dark and Dirty Little Secret
It's time for me to take a leap and dedicate my time to healing. Are you ready to join me?Hi friends! I hope you’re all having a wonderful week! Mine has been pretty hectic, but excellent. The new season of Game of Thrones started and it’s shaping up to be the best...
My Life during the Last Three Months: A Story in Pictures & Long-Windedness
My sister and I at the top of the mountain in Fernie Hi friends! So it’s been a pretty crazy couple of months and I wanted to apologize for the radio silence since my last posting. Things were so hectic that I decided to prioritize the different demands on my time and...

My roasted veggie storm supply featuring: beets, red cabbage, kale, Brussels sprouts, onions, and garlic topped with walnuts! Had this in class the other week and now I'm totally hooked.Hello friends! It’s just going to be a quick post today since I’ve got class soon,...

Souper Bowl Sunday: SoupStock 2012 & Homemade Bone Stock
George Snuffleupagus introducing one of many musical acts at Soup Stock 2012How perfect that Soup Stock falls on my Souper Bowl Sunday! This event was hosted by the David Suzuki Foundation and the Canadian Chefs Congress in hopes of raising enough money and support to...

My Marvelous Manifesto
Happy Saturday everyone! I hope you’re all having a wonderful weekend thus far and that none of you are suffering from any random headaches. So as you may be able to tell from the title, today I’m going to share with you my personal manifesto and where it came from....