by Caitlin | Jun 2, 2015 | Dear Cait, Healthy Habits Guides, Healthy Living Guides
Hi friend! Happy month of June! Summer is just around the corner, which means you’re likely looking to get a little more fit and feel a little more fine. I want to help you get started with my three part series on Stopping Self-Sabotage: Overcoming Your...
by Caitlin | May 26, 2015 | Dear Cait, Healthy Habits Guides, Healthy Living Guides
Don’t let perfection become the enemy of the good. Hi friend! I hope you had an absolutely marvelous weekend. It was 30C here in Saskatoon so after some yoga and meditation on Saturday & Sunday I spent the rest of the afternoon/evening at the beach! It was...
by Caitlin | May 19, 2015 | Dear Cait, Healthy Habits Guides, Healthy Living Guides
Don’t let perfection become the enemy of the good Hi friend! I hope you’ve had a fabulous long weekend and got to enjoy some sunshine and nature with the people you love. Today I’m going to sharePart 2 of my Overcoming Resistance to Healthy Eating series...
by Caitlin | May 12, 2015 | Dear Cait, Healthy Habits Guides, Healthy Living Guides
Don’t let perfection become the enemy of the good. Hi friens! I hope you all had a marvelous weekend! I did a talk at One Yoga Saskatoon as part of our 40 Days of Yoga Challenge that was all about some common issues you can face when you’re undertaking a change...
by Caitlin | Apr 27, 2015 | Dear Cait, Healthy Habits Guides, Healthy Living Guides, Healthy Sleep Guides
Hi friend! So today before I get started I have a quick question for you: Did you wake up today to the sound of a buzzing alarm clock, rush to get dressed, grab something to eat, and get out the door in time to make it to work, possibly eating or drinking whatever it...
by Caitlin | Apr 20, 2015 | Dear Cait, Healthy Habits Guides, Healthy Living Guides, Musings
Hi friend! I hope you’ve been having a wonderful week! Spring has hit Saskatoon in full force and I’m sitting here typing this post at one of the picnic tables by the river in a tank top and bare feet. BARE FEET! Yes. It’s that time of year again and I couldn’t be...